19 Apr

The test will be next TUESDAY, 3rd May 2022

In 1788 Charles IV became King of Spain, but he left his valido (Manuel Godoy) in control of the government. Manuel Godoy allowed Napoleon to pass through Spain so he could conquer Portugal. However the French took control of Spain.

 Napoleon named Jose I(his brother) king of Spain. 


On the 2nd of May 1808, many villagers in Madrid rebelled against the French soldiers. 

The Spanish War of Independence began. Spain, Great Britain and Portugal united to fight against Naopoleonic Empire until 1813. The Spanish army formed guerrillas(small groups of soldiers) and this lead Napoleon to leave Spain.

 During the War, they created the CONSTITUTION of 1812. This was a liberal constitution which made all Spanish people equal and eliminated absolutism.

Ferdinand VII (Charles IV son) returned to Spain in 1814. He wanted the absolutism and he wanted to revoke the Constitution. The Constitution was only valid from 1820-1823 (Trienio Liberal).

He was forced to become the Constitutional King. He revoked the Salic Law that prohibited women from ruling. This allowed his daugther Isabella to take the throne after him. 

There were:

 The Carlist wanted Charles(the King´s brother) to be the King. They wanted an absolute monarchy. 

The Liberals supported Isabella II, Liberals were people who supported the Consitution of Cadiz. They wanted to limit the power of the monarchy. 

  • Moderates: wanted to give more power to the King
  • Progressives: wanted to give more power to the Court.


The first 10 years the country was controlled by Isabella´s mother María Cristina and General Espartero. 

The Carlists revolted which lead to: First Carlist War 1833-1840 Second Carlist War 1846-1849.

 The people were dissatisfied with the queen (the government and the crisis). They started a revolution known as La Gloriosa in 1868 and Isabella II abdicated, renouncing the throne.

Six-Year Democratic Period 1868-1874 

In 1868 the Six Year Democratic Period began. This was led by a liberal progressive group that supported UNIVERSAL MALE SUFFRAGE. In 1870, the High Court named Amadeo de Saboya as the King. In 1873 Amadeo abdicated the throne. He declared the FIRST REPUBLIC and established a federal regimen. A military coup put an end to the Republic and ALFONSO XII(son of Isabella II) restored the MONARCHY.       

  Restoration 1875-1885 

Alfonso XII´s reign began in 1875. Canovas del Castillo was a very important politician. His ideas were represented in the Constitution of 1876. 

The basic laws consisted of: 

  • Shared power between the King and the High Court. 
  • Census suffrage: only males with high incomes can vote 
  • Restriction of public liberties. 

The regency of Maria Cristina 1885-1902 

When Alfonso XII died, his wife, Maria Cristina of Hasburg took the control of the throne until their son, Alfonso XIII was old enough to rule. There were some democratic advances such as the Return to universal suffrage in 1890. 

Also there was a big CRISIS OF 98 as a consequence of the war with United States. Spain lost the rest of the colonies: Cuba, Puerto Rico and Philippines.


 2/3 of the population worked in agriculture. The first machines and other technology from Great Britain began to arrive. For example the steam engine. This produced the growth of factories located in mining areas (Asturias, Basque Country) and textiles (Catalonia). The industry in these areas began to attract workers from rural areas and because of that began the emigration to the city. 


They quality of life was very poor, there were epidemics, famine and a high mortality rate. People emigrated to foreign countries and cities because of the situation. 


High class: HIGH BOURGEOISIE( businessmen and ladowners)

Middle class: merchants, civil servants and professionals. 

Lower class: 80% farmers and industrial labourers.  


Francisco de Goya was a famous artist. 

Three cultural movements: 

Romanticism: Espronceda, Bécquer, Larra and Zorilla. 

Realism: Pérez Galdós and Clarín. 

Generation of 98: Miguel de Unamuno, Valle Inclán ,Pío Baroja and Antonio Machado.

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